14 November 2011

Indian food

We had dinner recently at The Roti Man in Middle Park.    Yes, of course, it's Indian cuisine, but the surroundings are a bit better than some of our suburban Indian restaurants.   It also costs a little more, but no more than is justified by the ambiance.    My personal take on Indian food is that, although it usually tastes good, the cuisine is let down by its appearance.    So many of the flavours in a lot of the dishes are in the thick sauces and they aren't really interesting to look at.   Yes, these do go well with rice, and sure, there are tandoori dishes and salads but these seem to be the exception.   It's perhaps a little unfair, but sometimes Indian dishes remind of the fact that when we were growing up (years ago!), "stew" was the result of slow-cooking cheaper cuts of meat.   Perhaps the world has moved on, and "slow cooking" has become trendy and other means have developed in order to feed a family on a budget, but at least for some of us,  in-grained impressions about particular foods linger.
Be that as it may, once I get over the appearance issue, I always enjoy eating Indian, and on the evening in question the good company and interesting conversation made for a great night out.

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